Series Content

Part 1: Why do they DO that?!

  • Explore the fuel igniting toddlers’ negative behaviors while you gain insight into their cognitive capabilities.

  • Discover three top tips to prevent challenging toddler behaviors as you promote optimal growth and development

Part 2: Get toddlers to follow your limits. 

  • Gain constructive communication techniques that really work with toddlers to get them to stop certain behaviors and start others

  • Identify four wonderfully creative ways to gain toddler cooperation and avoid power struggles

Part 3: Guidance Methods for Persistent Challenges

  • Collect eight effective toddler guidance strategies you can use when persistent toddlers just won't stop

  • Apply the methods learned to address negative behaviors you experience

Decrease stress, enhance joy, and increase success as you inspire toddlers to learn and thrive in your environment!

Join this wonderful series today!
